



  • 职称: 研究员
  • 研究方向: 


  • 导师类别: 1
  • 电子邮件: guoqi@ict.ac.cn


郭崎,中科院计算所研究员、博导,长期从事计算机体系结构及人工智能相关研究。在包括ISCA、MICRO、ASPLOS、HPCA、ICML、NeurIPS、IJCAI、AAAI、IEEE TC、IEEE TCAD、ACM TOCS等计算机体系结构及人工智能领域CCF-A类会议及期刊上共发表论文70余篇,申请(授权)专利百余项。入选国家级青年拔尖人才、中科院青年科学家奖、首批中科院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队计划、中科院青促会优秀会员、中国科协首届“青年人才托举工程”等。曾获得国家自然科学二等奖、中科院杰出科技成就奖等。

2019年09月 — 今 :中科院计算所,研究员

2015年11月 — 2019年09月:中科院计算所,副研究员

2014年04月 — 2015年11月:CMU,博士后

2012年07月 — 2014年04月:IBM研究院,研究员

2007年09月— 2012年07月:中科院计算所,硕博连读

2002年09月— 2007年07月:同济大学,计算机系,本科生



2022年 获得中国科学院青年科学家奖

2022年 入选中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员

2022年 获得MICRO Best Paper Runner-Up Award

2021年 入选中国科学院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队计划

2020年 获得国家自然科学二等奖

2019年 获得中国科学院杰出科技成就奖

2018年 入选国家级青年拔尖人才

2018年 入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员

2015年 入选中国科协青年人才托举计划暨CCF青年人才发展计划

2015年 获得CGO Best Paper Nominee

2010年 入选2010年度百件优秀中国专利



[1] Jun Bi, Qi Guo, Xiaqing Li, Yongwei Zhao, Yuanbo Wen, Yuxuan Guo, Enshuai Zhou, Xing Hu, Zidong Du, Ling Li, Huaping Chen, Tianshi Chen. Automatically constrained high-performance library generation for deep learning accelerators. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Architectural Support of for Programming Language and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2023. (CCF-A)

[2] Yifan Hao, Yongwei Zhao, Chenxiao Liu, Shuyao Cheng, Xiaqing Li, Xing Hu, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Zhiwei Xu, Tianshi Chen. Cambricon-P: A bitflow architecture for arbitrary precision computing. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2022. (CCF-A, Best Paper Runner-Up Award)

[3] Yuanbo Wen, Qi Guo, Qiang Fu, Xiaqing Li, Jianxing Xu, Yanling Tang, Yongwei Zhao, Xing Hu, Zidong Du, Ling Li, Chao Wang, Xuehai Zhou, Yunji Chen. BabelTower: Learning to auto-parellelized program translation. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022. (CCF-A)

[4] Qi Yi, Rui Zhang, Shaohui Peng, Jiaming Guo, Xing Hu, Zidong Du, Xishan Zhang, Qi Guo, Yunji Chen. Object-category aware reinforcement learning. In: Proceedings of Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022. (CCF-A)

[5] Shaohui Peng, Xing Hu, Rui Zhang, Ke Tang, Jiaming Guo, Qi Yi, Ruizhi Chen, Xishan Zhang, Zidong Du, Ling Li, Qi Guo, Yunji Chen. Causality-driven Hierarchical Structure Discovery for Reinforcement Learning. In: Proceedings of Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022. (CCF-A)

[6] Yongwei Zhao, Chang Liu, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Xing Hu, Yimin Zhuang, Zhenxing Zhang, Xinkai Song, Wei Li, Xishan Zhang, Ling Li, Zhiwei Xu, Tianshi Chen. Cambricon-Q: A hybrid architecture for efficient training. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2021. (CCF-A)

[7] Xishan Zhang, Shaoli Liu, Rui Zhang, Chang Liu, Di Huang, Shiyi Zhou, Jiaming Guo, Qi Guo, Zidong Du, Tian Zhi, Yunji Chen. Fixed-point back-propagation training. In: Proceedings of IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020. (CCF-A)

[8] Di Huang, Xishan Zhang, Rui Zhang, Tian Zhi, Deyuan He, Jiaming Guo, Chang Liu, Qi Guo, Zidong Du, Shaoli Liu, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen. DWM: A decomposable winograd method for convolution acceleration. In: Proceedings of AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2020. (CCF-A)

[9] Yongwei Zhao, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Shaoli Liu, Ling Li, Zhiwei Xu, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen. Cambricon-F: Machine learning computers with fractal von Neumann architecture. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2019. (CCF-A)

[10] Xuda Zhou, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Chengsi Liu, Chao Wang, Xuehai Zhou, Ling Li, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen. Cambricon-S: Addressing irregularity in sparse neural networks through a cooperative software/hardware approach. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2018. (CCF-A)

[11] Shijin Zhang, Zidong Du, Lei Zhang, Huiying Lan, Shaoli Liu, Ling Li, Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen, and Yunji Chen. Cambricon-X: An accelerator for sparse neural networks. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016. (CCF-A)

[12] Qi Guo, Tze-Meng Low, Nikolaos Alachiotis, Berkin Akin, Larry Pileggi, James C. Hoe, and Franz Franchetti. Enabling portable energy efficiency with memory accelerated library. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2015. (CCF-A)

[13] Tianshi Chen, Qi Guo, Ke Tang, Olivier Temam, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Zhiwei Xu, and Yunji Chen. ArchRanker: A ranking approach to design space exploration. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2014. (CCF-A)

[14] Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen, Qi Guo, Olivier Temam, Yue Wu, and Weiwu Hu. Statistical performance comparisons of computers. In: Proceedings of International Conference on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2012. (CCF-A)

[15] Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Weiwu Hu, and Zhiwei Xu. Effective and efficient microprocessor design space exploration using unlabeled design configurations. In: Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2011. (CCF-A)


[1] Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Yongwei Zhao, Xi Zeng, Ling Li, Limin Cheng, Zhiwei Xu, Ninghui Sun, Yunji Chen. Breaking the interaction wall: A DLPU-Centric deep learning computing system. IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC) 71(1): 209-222 (2022) (CCF-A)

[2] Yuanbo Wen, Qi Guo, Zidong Du, Jianxing Xu, Zhenxing Zhang, Xing Hu, Wei Li, Rui Zhang, Chao Wang, Xuehai Zhou, Tianshi Chen. Enabling one-size-fits-all compilation optimization for inference across machine learning computers. IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC) 71(9): 2313-2326 (2022) (CCF-A)

[3] Xinkai Song, Tian Zhi, Zhe Fan, Zhenxing Zhang, Xi Zeng, Wei Li, Xing Hu, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Yunji Chen. Cambricon-G: A polyvalent energy-efficient accelerator for dynamic graph neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD) 41(1): 116-128 (2022) (CCF-A)

[4] Xing Hu, Ling Liang, Xiaobing Chen, Lei Deng, Yu Ji, Yufei Ding, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Timothy Sherwood, Yuan Xie. A systematic view of model leakage risks in deep neural network systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC) 71(12): 3254-3267 (2022) (CCF-A)

[5] Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Tian Zhi, Yongwei Zhao, Yunji Chen, and Zhiwei Xu. Self-aware Neural Network Systems: A Survey and New Perspective. Proceedings of IEEE (PIEEE) 108(7): 1047-1067 (2020) (CCF-A)

[6] Yongwei Zhao, Zhe Fan, Zidong Du, Tian Zhi, Ling Li, Qi Guo, Shaoli Liu, Zhiwei Xu, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen. Machine learning computers with fractal von Neumann architecture. IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC) 69(7): 998-1014 (2020) (CCF-A)

[7] Xi Zeng, Tian Zhi, Xuda Zhou, Zidong Du, Qi Guo, Shaoli Liu, Bingrui Wang, Yuanbo Wen, Chao Wang, Xuehai Zhou, Ling Li, Tianshi Chen, Ninghui Sun, Yunji Chen. Addressing irregularity in sparse neural networks through a cooperative software/hardware approach. IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC) 69(7): 968-985 (2020) (CCF-A)

[8] Shengyuan Zhou, Qi Guo, Zidong Du, Daofu Liu, Tianshi Chen, Ling Li, Shaoli Liu, Jinhong Zhou, Olivier Temam, Xiaobing Feng, Xuda Zhou, Yunji Chen. ParaML: A polyvalent multi-core accelerator for machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD) 39(9): 1764-1777 (2020) (CCF-A)

[9] Xuda Zhou, Zidong Du, Shijin Zhang, Lei Zhang, Huiying Lan, Shaoli Liu, Ling Li, Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen. Addressing sparsity in deep neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD) 38(10): 1858-1871 (2019) (CCF-A)

[10] Yunji Chen, Huiying Lan, Zidong Du, Shaoli Liu, Jinhua Tao, Dong Han, Tao Luo, Qi Guo, Ling Li, Yuan Xie, Tianshi Chen. An instruction set architecture for machine learning. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (ACM TOCS) 36(3): 9:1-9:35 (2018) (CCF-A)

[11] Zidong Du, Shaoli Liu, Robert Fasthuber, Tianshi Chen, Paolo Ienne, Ling Li, Tao Luo, Qi Guo, Xiaobing Feng, Yunji Chen, Olivier Temam. An accelerator for high efficient vision processing. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD) 36(2): 227-240 (2017) (CCF-A)

[12] Chunkai Wang, Xiaofeng Meng, Qi Guo, Zujian Weng, Chen Yang. Automating characterization deployment in distributed data stream management systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE) 29(12): 2669-2681 (2017) (CCF-A)

[13] Qi Guo, Tiansh Chen, Yunji Chen, and Franz Franchetti. Accelerating architectural simulation via statistical techniques: a survey. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD) 35(3): 433-446 (2016) (CCF-A)

[14] Tianshi Chen, Qi Guo, Olivier Temam, Yue Wu, Yungang Bao, Zhiwei Xu, and Yunji Chen. Statistical performance comparisons of computers. IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC) 64(5): 1442-1455 (2015). (CCF-A)

[15] Qi Guo, Tianshi Chen, Yunji Chen, Rui Wang, Weiwu Hu, Huanhuan Chen, and Guoliang Chen. Pre-silicon bug forecast. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE TCAD) 33(3): 451-463 (2014) (CCF-A)