



  • 职称: 研究员
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  • 导师类别: 1
  • 电子邮件: zhouyiqing@ict.ac.cn


博士生导师,IEEE高级会员。中科院计算所无线通信技术研究中心副主任,研究方向为宽带无线通信技术,包括通信与计算融合、异构网络、协同传输、绿色无线电等。主持和承担了国家基金委、国家科技重大专项、北京市自然科学基金重大项目、科学院知识创新工程等多个项目。研究成果获得2011年北京市科学技术奖二等奖和2012年中国电子学会电子信息科学技术二等奖,入选“十二五”北京市基金优秀成果汇编。已在国际国内知名期刊和会议上发表论文超过150篇,其中包括以第一作者发表的IEEE系列期刊论文12篇,完成中文著作一本,英文书章三篇,已申请3项美国专利。获得IEEE WCSP2019,ICC2018,ISCIT2016,PIMRC2015,ICCS2014,WCNC2013最佳论文奖,2011年北京青年优秀科技论文一等奖。担任多个国际知名期刊的Associate/Guest Editor,获得2014年度IEEE TVT期刊最佳编辑奖,2017年度ETT期刊最佳编辑奖,2019年度China Communications以及电信科学期刊最佳编辑奖。

2009年12月 — 今 :中科院计算所,研究员

2008年10月— 2009年12月:香港应用科学研究院,主任工程师

2004年1月 — 2008年10月:香港大学,博士后

2001年1月— 2003年12月:香港大学,电子电机工程系,博士生

1997年9月— 2000年7月:东南大学,无线电工程系,硕士生

1993年9月— 1997年7月:东南大学,无线电工程系,本科生



近6年代表期刊文章:[1] B. Sun, Y. Zhou, J. Yuan and J. Shi, “Interference Cancellation Based Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO Systems with Time Shifted Pilots”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Early Access, Jul. 2020.[2] Y. Zhou, L. Liu, L. Wang, N. Hui, X. Cui, J. Wu, Y. Peng and Y. Qi, “Service Aware 6G: An Intelligent and Open Network Based on Convergence of Communication, Computing and Caching”, Digital Communication Networks, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcan.2020.05.003, Jun. 2020.[3] Y. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Yuan and L. Liu, “Delay Aware Flow Scheduling for Time Sensitive Fronthaul Networks in Centralized Radio Access Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 68, issue 5, pp. 2992-3009, Mar. 2020.[4] Y. Zhou, L. Tian, L. Liu and Y.L. Qi, “Fog Computing Enabled Future Mobile Communication Networks: A Convergence of Communication and Computing”, IEEE Communication Magazine, pp. 20-27, May 2019.[5] L. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Yuan, W. Zhuang, and Y. Wang, “Economically Optimal MS association for Multimedia Content Delivery in Cache-Enabled Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks”, IEEE JSAC, vol. 37, issue 7, pp. 1584-1593, Jul. 2019.[6] Y. Su, Y.Q. Liu, Y. Zhou, J. Yuan and J.L. Shi, “Broadband LEO Satellite Communications: Architectures and Key Technologies”, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 26, issue 2, pp. 55-61, Apr. 2019.[7] L. Liu, Y. Zhou, W. Zhuang, J. Yuan and L. Tian, “Tractable Coverage Analysis for Hexagonal Macrocell-Based Heterogeneous UDNs with Adaptive Interference Aware CoMP”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., vol. 18, no. issue 1, pp. 503-517, Jan. 2019.[8] Y. Qi, L. Tian, Y. Zhou and J. Yuan, “Mobile Edge Computing-Assisted Admission Control in Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Vehicular Magazine, vol. 14, issue 1, pp. 37-44, Jan. 2019.[9] L. Liu, Y. Zhou, A.V. Vasilakos, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “Time-domain ICIC and Optimized Designs for 5G and Beyond: A Survey”, Science China Information Sciences, Vol. 62, Feb. 2019.[10] 周一青,李国杰,“未来移动通信系统中的通信与计算融合”,电信科学,2018年第3期,1-7页。[11] L. Liu, Y. Zhou, V. Garcia, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “Load Aware Joint CoMP Clustering and Inter-cell Resource Scheduling in Heterogeneous Ultra Dense Cellular Networks”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, issue 3, pp. 2741-2755, Mar. 2018.[12] L. Liu, Y. Zhou, V. Garcia, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “Load Aware Joint CoMP Clustering and Inter-cell Resource Scheduling in Heterogeneous Ultra Dense Cellular Networks”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 67, issue 3, pp. 2741-2755, Mar. 2018.[13] Z.W. Hou, Y. Zhou, L. Tian, J.L. Shi, Y. Li and B. Vucetic, “Radio Environment Map Aided Doppler Shift Estimation in LTE-Railway”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, issue 5, pp. 4462-4467, May 2017.[14] Y. Zhou, H. Liu, Z. Pan, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “Cooperative Multicast with Location Aware Distributed Mobile Relay Selection: Performance Analysis and Optimized Design”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 66. issue 9, pp. 8291-8302, Mar. 2017.[15] Y. Zhou, H. Liu, Z. Pan, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “Energy Efficient Two-stage Cooperative Multicast Based on Device to Device Transmissions: Effect of User Density”, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, issue 9, pp. 7297 – 7307, Sep. 2016.[16] L. Liu, Y. Zhou, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “CPC-Based Backward Compatible Network Access for LTE Cognitive Radio Cellular Networks”, IEEE Communication Magazine, vol. 53, no. 7, pp.93-99, July 2015.[17] V. Garcia, Y. Zhou and J.L. Shi, “Coordinated Multipoint Transmission in Dense Cellular Networks with User-Centric Adaptive Clustering”,  IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 4297-4308, Aug. 2014.[18] Y. Zhou, H. Liu, Z. Pan, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “Spectral and Energy Efficient Two-Stage Cooperative Multicast for LTE-A and Beyond”, IEEE Wireless Magazine, pp. 34-41, Apr. 2014.[19] Y. Zhou, H. Liu, Z. Pan, L. Tian, J.L. Shi and G. Yang, “Two-Stage Cooperative Multicast Transmission with Optimized Power Consumption and Guaranteed Coverage”, IEEE JSAC on SEED, Vol.32, Issue 2, pp. 274-284, Feb. 2014.代表会议文章:[1] C. Zhang, X. Mu, J. Yuan, Y. Zhou and J.L. Shi, “The Performance of Coded Modulation with Gallager Mapping in the Finite Length Regime”, IEEE WCSP2019, Oct. 2019. (Best Paper Award)[2] L. Liu, Y. Zhou, L. Tian, B.L. Sun and J.L. Shi, “Interference Aware CoMP for Macrocell-based Heterogeneous Ultra Dense Cellular Networks”, IEEE ICC2018, Jun. 2018. (Best Paper Award)[3] H. Du, Y. Zhou, H.H. Chen, L. Tian and J.L. Shi, “Load Balance for Centralized Heterogeneous Networks with Limited Fronthaul Capacity”, ISCIT 2016, Sept. 2016. (Best Paper Award)[4] C.W. Xing, Z. Fei, Y. Zhou and Z.G. Pan, “Matrix-Field Water-Filling Architecture for MIMO Transceiver Designs with Mixed Power Constraints”, IEEE PIMRC2015, Sept. 2015. (Best Paper Award)[5] C.W. Xing, S.D. Ma and Y. Zhou, “Matrix Optimization Problems for MIMO Systems with Matrix Monotone Objective Functions”, IEEE ICCS2014, Nov. 2014. (Best Paper Award)